Borowicz Applauds Pioneer Investment in Job-Creating, Clinton County Natural Gas Synthesis Facility

June 28, 2022

HARRISBURG – Rep. Stephanie Borowicz (R-Clinton/Centre) today applauded KeyState Natural Gas and chairman and CEO Perry Babb on landing corporate investor, OGCI Climate Investments (OGCI), for the estimated $400 million natural gas synthesis facility currently under development in West Keating Township, Clinton County.

“Once again, it is inspiring to see Perry’s and KeyState’s vision for Pennsylania’s next energy revolution moving forward, right here at home in the 76th District,” said Borowicz. “As confirmed by Mr. Babb’s expert testimony before the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee last year, this energy independence expanding project has the potential to generate more than 500 permanent jobs and $260 million in annual economic output.” 

KeyState is a first-of-its-kind project integrating on-site natural gas extraction, chemical production, and carbon (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) in a closed carbon loop. Once operational, the 7,000-acre site is expected to have the capacity to store over 300,000 tons of CO2 per year. 

KeyState’s project to produce low-carbon hydrogen power with Pennsylvania natural gas has already benefited from regional policies and incentives to encourage the responsible use of stranded natural gas.

Last session, Borowicz proudly supported Act 66 of 2020, which established the Local Manufacturing Tax Credit to attract private investment from companies, such as KeyState, for the construction and operation of Pennsylvania manufacturing facilities that use dry natural gas to produce fertilizer and other petrochemical products.

“OGCI’s pioneer investment in the development of KeyState proves once again that the last thing government should be doing during times of economic crisis is eliminating more energy jobs and making it more difficult for our families and seniors to make ends meet,” said Borowicz. “Whenever the free market and limited government are given the opportunity to thrive, rising standards of living, cleaner air and water, lower energy costs, dynamic economic growth and greater personal freedom naturally follow.”

Learn more here.

Representative Stephanie Borowicz
76th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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