Borowicz and Neighbors Purchase Market Pig in Honor of Evan Vonada At Clinton County Fair
August 8, 2023
LOCK HAVEN – On Saturday, Rep. Stephanie Borowicz (R-Clinton/Union) joined with her neighbors, Tom Bossert and the Vonada family, at the 2023 Clinton County Fair Livestock Sale to purchase a top quality Market Swine in honor of Evan Vonada, a local cattle fitter who, at the age of 22, was taken from this earth far too early.
“On Saturday, me, Tom Bossert, and the Vonadas bought a pig in honor of their son, Evan Vonada,” Borowicz said. “Evan was an outstanding young man who everyone knew was going to do amazing things in the agriculture community and beyond. His life was cut short tragically in an automobile accident at a young age, but his memory lives on.
“And a huge ‘Thank you’ to Logan Styers who raised this pig. What an amazing, hard-working young man – I told him he gave me hope for the future!” added Borowicz.
Vonada, from the Mill Hall area, had already made a name for himself in the world of cattle-fitting when he lost his life while traveling home from a livestock show in West Virginia in August 2020.
Representative Stephanie Borowicz
76th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Charles Lardner
717.260.6443 /

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